Study links
- Finished: MCW medical curriculum notes taken in the lectures at the local medicical university (MUW)
- Aborted: notes from the IT/chemistry courses for teaching at University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology
- CS Studies: see below
diverse LVA
- various Lab Assignments and other stuff
- Funktionale Programmierung (Prof. Knoop 2003/2004)
- Rechnerarchitekturen (predecessor of "digitales design", Prof. Gruenbacher)
- Softwareprojektmanagement uncredited :-(
- Systemprogrammierung ca. 1997
- Compilerbau (\"Ubersetzerbau)
- Projektpraktikum bei Martin Piskernig
- Proseminar Studieneingangsphase (STEP) Lehramt
- ucblogo midi patch (programmed for Interdisziplinaeres Projektpraktikum/ used in Spezielle Kapitel der Schulinformatik) mystuff/ucblogo_midi/